Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow day!

Today was, really not exciting....but I'll enlighten you. Maybe....
It was snowing...really snowing, and so Edward and I tried to stay warm. We wrapped ourselves in blankets like burritos and sorry but Edward says I'm not allowed to show you those humiliating pictures of him. I looked out the window last night and got a few cool pictures.

So yeah...there's some snowflakes...

There's my car starting to get covered...and some more pretty snowflakes!

Look up at the light, you can kinda see how hard it is snowing!

Ok, I know, it's boring, but try to strain your eyeballs to see the snow!

So in the morning, my car looks like this, and I'm not so sure I can go anywhere. Plus, it's still snowing pretty decently. Actually, I really want to post this video of this weird noise I heard this morning. It sounded like yapping little dogs, you know, the kind you would like to punt from here to Timbuktu. However, when I went outside with Edward, there was tons of squawking geese flying around in the sky! It was very amusing. Um, wait, I was very amused....easily amused.....nevermind. I still have not figured out how to post videos yet, darn it. I may have to put them on youtube....but that's not my first preference.

Here's another incredibly interesting photo of my car. I'm trying to show you numbnutts what 4 inches of snow overnight looks like! And no, thats not a ghost driving my car, I think that's just a reflection of me taking ridiculously pedantic photos.

Edward was adorable today. He spent most of the time looking out the two windows I have watching the snow. Then he viewed the snow-plower guy come down the street and then the same guy use the snow-plow mower (if there is such a thing) on the sidewalks. Tonight I drove around a bit in the snow to get a feel for it. Apparently you are not allowed to drive with chains around here because it ruins the streets. The highways are decent, they plow and salt them often and so they remain pretty clear. What you have to be careful of is the exits! And all the other roads inbetween as they are not really plowed and are very very snowy. At least most people drive really safely and give you lots of space. I can say with a certain confidence that Illinois drivers are not tail-gaters. However...if you see a California driver here, run! I mean, drive away!

I still have yet to mend the roommate situation. I know I shouldn't be letting the "public" view this kind of info, but the night I moved into the apartment, I came upon a very uncomfortable situation. Let me just put it this way, she is a partier and I am not. Simply put. Basically now, I am trying to remedy that by moving into another available apartment in the complex, but the office was closed today due to the snow. Hopefully, I will be able to move by tomorrow because the smell here is almost unbearable.
Well, I love you guys, and I hope you are all doing well. Taking Edward for some walks today in the snow reminded me of some Yosemite trips and how peaceful everything seems when the weather outside seems brutal.

The countdown to graduation is now 485 days.


  1. Snow-mower LOL no no snowblower. This was great for my morning coffee. I do hope you have a shovel and have at least dug the car out....its a good idea to keep the layers off the car because it might get completely covered, seriously i have seen people lose their cars until spring thaw, Also never ever park on the side of a road in winter...the snow-mower-blower can and will block you in and it will take a tow-truck to get out....don't waste that third AAA call. Throw a snowball at Ed for me!

  2. anna! just caught up on all your postings! sounds like that trip was quite an adventure! have fun in the snow! i have my interview for my rn program next month...but i'm not going any further than oceaside for school! haha! probably driving with the top down in my mustang! never, ever shoveling snow! but i'm not rubbing it in or anything!
